Library/Media Center






Welcome to


Indian Valley Library Media Center


          Our mission at Indian Valley Library Media Center is to meet the informational, educational, and entertainment needs of our students, and provide teachers with information and resources to enhance their curriculum with instructional resources, collaborative support, and technology integration.


         Thank you for visiting our webpage today! Please feel free to click around and explore. If you have any questions that can't be answered on this site, please feel free to contact our librarians for further assistance. We will be glad to help you!




Librarian: Mrs. Cooper

Volunteer Librarian: Mrs. Eldridge

Monday & Tuesday: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Wednesday - Friday: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

Contact information:

E-mail: [email protected]


All students attend library once a week as a scheduled "specials" class period.






We hope the following links will be helpful to you. (Hint: In order to easily navigate back to this page, right click on the link and select "Open link in new tab" to open the link in a new tab, or click the back arrow in the upper-left corner of the tab to return to the previous page.)

Library Links:

Circulation Policy

INFOhio User Guide




Indian Valley Library Catalog

Click the teacher-recommended websites below to find fun and educational games and information: Educational Computer Games

Hooda Math - Over 100 Math Games

The Physics Classroom

Click below to visit the website of Steve Harpster, the children's book illustrator who came to visit our school May 6, 2015!

Harptoons - Draw, Create, Imagine


Attention All Teachers:

          The Indian Valley Library Media Center can assist you in locating resources in our library and online to enhance and support your curriculum. Contact the librarian to schedule a time to discuss your unit study topics, lesson plans, and curriculum needs. We may have resources you can use! Let us help you make use of our library's excellent resources.


          Teachers, below is an example of how we can help. A pathfinder is a library resource guide to direct you to the material we have that will expand your lesson plans. The following Aztec Pathfinder is a resource guide for the 5th grade unit study on Ancient Civilizations of the Western Hemisphere. More pathfinders on other units of study are planned and will be uploaded in the future. Let us know what you need. We will be glad to help!

Aztec Pathfinder


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