Use INFOhio to
Discover Ancient Civilizations of the Western Hemisphere!
Topic: Incas, Mayas, Aztecs, and Ancient Mound builders
Library: Indian Valley Intermediate School Library (grades 2 – 6)
Audience: 5th Grade Teachers and Students participating in the 6-week unit study about ancient civilizations of the Western Hemisphere
Print Reference Resources
The following print reference resources will be a good place to start your investigation of ancient civilizations of the Western Hemisphere. They are available in the IV library. Come in and check out these and other books on Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs!

The Kingfisher Atlas of the Ancient World
Adams, Simon, 1955-
Boston: Kingfisher, 2006.
You'll be drawn into the captivating realm of ancient worlds
with the beautifully illustrated maps and detailed accounts
of this fascinating atlas. Full of information about extraordinary
ancient civilizations, their people, traditions, and landmarks,
this is the perfect pictorial guide to the history of the ancient
Physical description: 44 p.: col. ill., col. maps; 31 cm.
ISBN 0753459140
Call number: REF ADA
The Dorling Kindersley History of the World
Somerset Fry, Plantagenet, 1931-
London; New York: DK, 2005.
Taking a global view of history, a chronology opens each
chapter with a world map and time chart that give readers
a sense of what happened where at any given time.
Physical description: 400 p.: ill. (Chiefly col.), col. maps; 29 cm.
Interest grade level: 4-6 Baker & Taylor
ISBN 0756612446
Call number: 909 SOM
World History Encyclopedia
Ganeri, Anita, 1961-
Bath, U.K.: Dempsey Parr, 2000, c1998
A visual approach to the history of the human race, from the emergence of people and the very first settlements, through ancient civilizations to the present day.
Physical description: 255 p.: col. ill., col. maps; 35 cm.
ISBN 1840847611
Call number: 903 GAN
The following books are available at our IV School Library. Come in and check these out. While you are there, look on the shelf to see even more books on this topic!
Aztecs 1st ed.
Green, Jen.
New York: PowerKids Press, 2010.
Physical description: 45 p.: ill. (Chiefly col.), col. maps; 29 cm.
ISBN: 9781435854987
Call number: 972 GRE
Step into the-- Inca world
Steele, Philip.
London: Hermes House, 2004.
Step back in time to discover the spectacular world of the Incas and their ancestors. The Incas ruled the most spectacular empire South America has ever seen and were the successors to the Chimu gold workers and the Tiwanaku lake people.
Physical description: 64 p.: col. ill., col. maps; 22 cm.
Interest age level: For 8-12 year olds.
ISBN 1844776875
Call number: 985 STE
Aztec, Inca & Maya
Baquedano, Elizabeth.
New York: Knopf, 1993.
Chronicles the history, beliefs, and everyday lives of the
ancient Aztec, Inca, and Maya peoples.
Physical description: 63 p.: col. ill., col. maps; 29 cm.
ISBN 067983883X
Call number: 972 BAQ
Read these two e-books on the Searchasaurus database on INFOhio:
The Aztecs: Monkeyshines on the Aztecs. by Browne, Eric; Canty, Jamiee; Casey, Jennifer; Goldman, Linda; Gwen, Eleanor; Judy, Tabitha; Revell, Catherine; Schell, Kimberly; Williams, Michelle; Wyatt, Devin; Goldman, Phyllis Barkas. Find on Searchasaurus – INFOhio (Pre-K thru 5)
The Incas: Monkeyshines on Ancient Civilizations. by Browne, Eric; Canty, Jamiee; Casey, Jennifer; Goldman, Linda; Gwen, Eleanor; Judy, Tabitha; Revell, Catherine; Schell, Kimberly; Williams, Michelle; Wyatt, Devin; Goldman, Phyllis Barkas. Find on Searchasaurus – INFOhio (Pre-K thru 5)
Be sure to check out these databases on INFOhio for articles, videos, photos, facts, games, and activities. Once you click on a database, you will land on the database homepage. Then, you can type keywords like “Incas”, “Mayan”, “Aztecs”, or “Ancient Civilizations” in the search bar, or click on the subjects/topics on the navigation bars on the left side of the database page.
World Book Kids – INFOhio
World Book Student - INFOhio
Searchasaurus – INFOhio
INFOhio eBook/Resource Collection –
First, click on World History in the navigation bar on the left; then, click on Ancient Civilizations in the World History navigation bar on the top left. Finally, click on Incas, Maya, or Aztecs on the navigation bar on the left. – INFOhio Discovery Portal
Find the following articles on the World Book Student database on INFOhio (Pre-K thru 5) by typing the words in quotations below into the search bar at the top of the World Book Student database landing page (home page).
“Inca” World Book Student – INFOhio
“Machu Pichu” World Book Student –INFOhio
“Mound Builders” World Book Student – INFOhio
The first two of the following websites can be found by working backwards from the last word in each entry. For example, to find “Jaguar Sun,” start on INFOhio (Pre-K thru 5), then click on Discovery Portal Elementary from the list of databases. Next, click on World History in the navigation bar on the left. Then, click Ancient Civilizations in the navigation bar on the left. One more click on Pre-Columbian, and you are almost there! Find the heading The Mayas in the center column. Under that heading, click on Maya Society. Voila! That should take you to the website. Have fun! Explore the website. Look for articles, facts, and games.
“Jaguar Sun: The Maya People of the Past and Present” ( – Maya Society – The Mayas – Pre-Columbian – Ancient Civilizations – World History – Discovery Portal Elementary – INFOhio
“Aztec Myths” Windows to the Universe ( – Aztec Mythology – Religion – Pre-Columbian – Ancient Civilizations – World History – Discovery Portal Elementary - INFOhio
For this next website, start on the INFOhio (Pre-K thru 5) homepage. Click on Digital Video Collection from the list of databases in the center column. Type “Maya” in the search bar. Click on the video. Below the video you will find related websites. That is where you will find the website below.
“Maya Calendar” ( – Digital Video Collection “Orbit Earth’s Extraordinary Journey: Tilt/ Episode 3”, (Part of the Series Orbit: Earth’s Extraordinary Journey) – related websites
“Serpent Mound” Our Ohio/Episode 308 (7:33 minutes) – Digital Video Collection – INFOhio- Click on Search tab on the navigation bar across the top of the Digital Video Collection home page. Type “mound builders” in the search bar. Find and click on the video “Chapter 1: Serpent Mound (7:33)” to see a 7 minute video about the Serpent Mound in Ohio.
“WB Explains: Why did Mayan look so weird?” World Book – INFOhio – Type Mayan in the search bar. Look for videos in the navigation bar on the left. Click on this video.
“WB Explains: Did the Aztecs really practice human sacrifice?” World Book – INFOhio – Type Aztecs in the search bar. Look for videos in the navigation bar on the left. Click on this video.